
1 Minute
The Devil’s Toenail
The Devil’s Toenail: Navigating Rapids, Fear, and Life’s Unpredictable Currents

2 Minutes
From Video Games to Rock Stars
How a Simple Invitation Transformed Kaden’s Life

1 Minute
Kickflips, Community, and Second Chances: Spokane’s Indoor Skate Haven
Skating as a Launch Pad for Deep Relationships

2 Minutes
Breaking Bread, Breaking Barriers: A Tale of Abundance and Hope at the TenTen Center
How Partnership Impacts young Lives

1 Minute
Flavors of Hope: A Refugee Community Dinner
A short reflection on our first refugee dinner

2 minutes
Grace on Display
A Recap of Our 2024 Back-to-School Resource Fair

2 minutes
A Team to Remember
A Story on Resiliency

2 Minutes
Empowering Futures
How A Partnership is Transforming A Student's Path Through Internship Opportunity

1 Minute
City Life and Pickleball: The Perfect Combination

1 minute
A Trip to Walmart
A Trip to Walmart- Reflections from a City Life Director